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    First Home Buyer?

    Doing anything for the first time can be daunting, let alone buying your first home! Fortunately, we’ve helped many people buy their first home and know exactly what is required to smooth out the process.

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Home lending has changed over the last few years and more than ever you need an expert by your side. 

TJ PatelBuying property is a big deal and can come with a lot of stress. As well as that, it’s time consuming. First you have to find the right property that fits within your budget, and then you have to beat the competition. There are building inspections, valuations and discussions with lawyers. So, having your finance sorted is a huge weight off your shoulders. That’s where we can help release the burden. We’ll guide you through the process and keep you on the front foot.

We specialise in all forms of lending, first home buying, investing, commercial and debt consolidations. If it’s new lending, refinancing or restructuring we’ll find the best solution for you.

Did you know that our fees are paid by the bank?
That means that it’s free for you to use us. That’s right, it’s totally free!


Use our free first home buyer tool to see if you can afford to buy that house you’ve been looking at.

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Mortgage Tip

Having a pre-approval in place has a number of benefits. It shows sellers and agents that you’re serious about buying and helps you present a cleaner offer to the vendor. It’s also one less thing to worry about once your offer is accepted too as there is a lot to do at that stage.